Doin' it Together Festival is a weekend-long event held in March in Lowell MA. Now in its second year, the event brings together the diverse musical population of UMass Lowell and the community, chops it up, and rearranges it. Participants who wish to play sign up and are regrouped by styles of music. They then have one day to practice at a designated practice space and write 25 minutes of music, which is performed the next day. Check it out this weekend at the 119 Gallery on Saturday night at 8.
Participants from: Sinbusters, Ladderlegs, Packrat, Ghost in My Basement, Goosepimp Orchestra, Ralph Eats Dynamite, Awaken To Ashes, Maudslay, Bird Organ, Gnome Revolt, Caragianes of Manifest, Goodbye Sluggo, Bearstronaut, Streight Angular, Stereoplegic, Lonesome Republic, Bar Sinister, Aces Ashes and more. Woah.
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