On Monday December 27, Veloz will be playing a set on Live from the Fallout Shelter on WUML 91.5FM! This band includes members of Furnace, who played on the show back in 2008. Like their predecessor, Veloz is fast, heavy and intense, almost as if Motorhead had a baby with Converge. Most of their songs are under two minutes long and offer a constant and steady pattern of thrash which the musicians involved have the talent to make worth listening to. This band strikes me as the type of band that would start playing a set and then finish the entire set seven minutes later. It would most likely be one of the best hardcore sets the people in the audience would have ever seen, despite the fact that they probably don't have any limbs left.

So tune in this Monday from 8 - 11pm, with Veloz playing at 930pm and the best in underground music before and after the set as well as an interview with the band. You can listen at WUML 91.5FM or online at www.wuml.org.

You can listen to Veloz and download their music for free at veloz.bandcamp.com


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